Top 10 Features of Laravel PHP Framework - by Sonjoy bhadra
Laravel is One of the Best PHP frameworks right now, Laravel has well surpassed its rivals in popularity. Created by Taylor Otwell, Laravel is a free, open-source PHP framework following MVC architectural pattern crafted especially for web application development. It is released under MIT license.It comes packed with features that expedite the web development process. It offers a huge ecosystem that comes with instant hosting and deployment platform. Blade, the lightweight templating engine of Laravel, enables repeat tasks such as authentication, sessions, caching, queuing, and RESTful routing. Laravel is also empowered with Homestead, the packaged Vagrant box that enables hassle-free development.
1.Support MVC Architecture
Laravel support MVC architecture pattern, which ensures separates business logic & presentation layers. The MVC architecture support helps in improving the performance, where you can make better documentation, & has multiple built-in functions.
2. Support Template Engine:
Laravel framework is highly acknowledged for its built-in lightweight templates which can be used to create beautiful layouts using dynamic content seeding.
This .blade.php file extension helps Laravel Developer to get and change a clean and customizable layout of their web page without any hassle.
It has multiple widgets incorporating CSS and JS code with stable structures. The templates of laravel frameworks are innovatively designed to create a simple layout with distinctive sections.
3. Eloquent Object Relational Mapping (ORM):
Laravel provides you with an Eloquent object-relational mapping which includes a Simple PHP Active Record implementation. An ORM is relatively faster than all other PHP frameworks.
It lets the web app developers issue database queries with PHP syntax instead of writing SQL code. Every table in the database possesses a corresponding Model through which the developer interacts with a said table.
4. High Security:
Laravel framework provides a solid web app security. It keeps your database safe by using hashed & salted password mechanism so the password would never be saved as plain text in the database.
It will provide you with high-class security by generating encrypted passwords through Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm, and it also prepared SQL statements that prevent SQL injection attacks.
5. Support Artisan Commands :
Laravel framework provides you with a built-in command-line tool called Artisan, which helps you automate the several tedious, repetitive programming tasks. Artisan even allows developers to create their commands and do useful things with it.
It can be utilized to generate the database structure, a skeleton code, & manage migration by making it easy to manage database systems.
Also, it can be interlaced to generate the basic MVC files right away through the command-line and manage those assets and their respective configurations.
6. Libraries & Modular Based :
Laravel comes with Object-Oriented libraries including many other pre-installed libraries. These pre-installed libraries are not found in any other PHP framework.
The Pre-installed libraries is an Authentication library which is easy-o implement and provides you with multiple trending features like Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection, checking active users, encryption, Password reset.
As a framework, it is divided into individual modules that adopt modern PHP principles and allow developers to build responsive, modular, & handy web apps.
7. Support Monolog Logging Library
Laravel is one of the best platforms for error handling because it is integrated with the Monolog Logging library and also provides support to several strong log handlers.
Generally, data-entry forms are one of the most common places where errors are presented & identified after users click a Submit Button, and in case something goes wrong then the suitable reason should be notified about it.
8. Great Tool Integration
Speed of a web application is one of the most important things that influence user experience, conversion rate including SEO because many times, certain features & functions affect the site performance.
Tool Integration is one of the important steps for caching backend for improving your web application performance.
To make things easier for the developers to enhance the web app performance with speedy experience, Laravel helps its developers with Redis and Memcached out-of-the-box support, the popular cache back-ends.
9. Database Migration System:
Laravel migration system helps to expand the structure of the database of the web application without re-creating every time developers make a change, and the risk of data loss is also very less.
It also provides you with the service of changing database structure and helps to modify it by using PHP code instead of SQL. Laravel Schema Builder helps to create database tables & insert indices.
10. URL Routing Configuration
Laravel offers a very expressive & simple method of defining routes as the basic Laravel routes accept a closure & a URI specified in the app/Http/routes.php file. It will provide you with the flexibility to choose which route is triggered on the app.
An error page on your web app can cost you a huge customer base as most of the customers never return to a blank page