Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

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Pac-Man Championship Edition DX is a 2010 maze video game published by Namco Bandai Games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, later ported to Steam and iOS. It is the sequel to the 2007 game Pac-Man Championship Edition, which was the last game developed by series creator Toru Iwatani.

Get ready for more ghost chain gobbling and frantic action in PAC-MAN® CE-DX+! The award-winning chomping game makes a shattering debut on Steam with even more content and a refined user-interface to compare high scores with your friends! Wake up the ghosts, form the longest train of pursuers and chomp as many as you can at blazing speed to beat the score! And never forget to manage you a way out using your skills or you’ll have to force an escape route with your bombs! 

A Pac-man experience that will definitely surprise you!

Online Features

  • Beat the game!
    Follow your self-progress and unlock all the game medals by defeating the mazes in the most arduous conditions
  • Intense rivalry
    Break all leaderboards and challenge all your friends directly on social medias.

Key Features

  • Infernal speed arcade 
    Blaze through neon-like mazes and reach maximum speed to beat the score. 
  • Vast maze line-up 
    7 mazes with unique layout, special options, features presenting each a specific challenge.
  • Tons of intense courses 
    5 different game modes for a complete set of challenges to overcome in each maze. 
  • Your own Pac-man experience
    Customize difficulty, music, characters and maze visuals to re-create your favorite Pac-man experience.

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics device
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9 sound device
Sonjoy Bhadra

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Python | Django | Laravel | 14 Years Experience
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